Un Chi Iam

Un Chi Iam obtained a Master Degree in Fine Arts from Nanjing Art Institute. She was an art editor and designer of the Macau Cultural Bureau and was a Lecturer in Chinese Painting at the Academy of Visual Arts of Macau and Macau Polytechnic Institute respectively. Together with Arch. Carlos Marreiros, Artist Mio Pang Fei and other artists they founded the CAC – Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macau. She is also a consultant of the Macau Artist Society and Macau Visual Art Association, as well as the permanent member of Yu Un Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association.

She launched 5 solo exhibitions, participated in 3 joint exhibitions and joined more than 100 group exhibitions, including “Asian Artists League Exhibition”. Her works were also featured in the painting collections “Chinese Female Artists Exhibition” and “Chinese Contemporary Female Artists”. Moreover 5 individual paintings collections were published. Un Chi Iam is a winner of the Creative Award in the “Collective Exhibition of Macau” in 1985, and was awarded the 1st Prize in the “Collective Exhibition of Macau” in both 1986 and 1987 in the category of Chinese Painting. She also won the Honorable Prize in the “1st Biennial Art Exhibition of Macau”.