Alice Kok

Born in Macau in 1978, Alice Kok lived in France between 1998 and 2006. She holds a National Master’s Degree of Fine Arts (DNSEP) from the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Toulouse (2004). After her graduation, Kok lived and worked in Paris, having received the grant “La Bourse Individuelle à la Creation” from the La DRAC Ile-de-France to create the video work “Karabic OK” (2006). In 2007, she travelled extensively in India and Tibet, where she complete video project “Yet in Exile – Family Script”. In 2009, the film was selected among the “Ten Finalists for Asian Award”, at the Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Award and further screened at the Cultural Centre of Hong Kong, selected for the Gwangju Biennale, Korea (2010). In 2011, her work “Passing-Green Island” represented the Macau Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale of Art, in Venice, Italy.

Kok’s works explore notions of multiculturalism in the post-colonial era. Recently, after travelling in India and Tibet, she started to incorporate Buddhist philosophy and meditation practices into her artistic expressions. Kok employs media such as video, photography, writings, drawings and installations.

Living between Macau and Tibet (Lhasa) for more than 10 years, she has worked as the editor of the bilingual (English & Chinese) magazine Macau CLOSER, as visiting professor at the University of Science and Technology, University of St. Joseph and the Macau Tourism Institute. Working simultaneously as an artist and filmmaker, she is also an art curator, art teacher and art writer. Since 2014, she serves as President of the Artists Association of Macau, Art For All Society. She is currently working as the Executive Director of The Script Road – Macau Literary Festival.