Elena Hoskyns-Abrahall


Born 1998 in Edinburgh. Lives and works in London.

A graduate in Sculpture from the University of Arts London (2019), Elena’s practice is situated in the interstices of sculpture and performance, oftentimes materialized through her material of choice: chewing gum. Her work addresses issues of feminism and queer identity in the globalization era as well as the triviality of popular culture. She frequently addresses folk and fairy tales, which she analyzes through a critical lens.

Keep eating actual food so you don’t get saccharin shits

Performance documentation
11′ approximately
Image Courtesy of the Artist

*This work is part of the online exhibition only.  The exhibition will display another work.

Masticate: recapitulate
Meat grinder, assorted chewing gums and steel tea trolley
100 x 60 x 50 cm
Image courtesy of the Artist