Caroline Rika Winata


Born 1976, in Bandung. Lives and works in Yogyakarta.

Caroline Rika Winata work is grounded on Indonesian traditional textiles to which sometimes she adds other techniques sourced from her travels. Her textile work is versatile, allowing her to feature in contemporary art, interior design and fashion shows as well as dance performances. Her practice frequently uses Indonesian idioms in order to address questions of material and popular culture or issues of cultural discrimination relating to her Chinese heritage.

Caroline Rika Winata 1

Thank you!!

Tie dye and embroidery on cotton
Daim.30 x 1.5 cm x 5

*Image courtesy of the Artist

Never Indonesian Enough

Embroidery label, print and stitching on paper
Variable dimensions
Image Courtesy of the Artist

*This work is part of the online exhibition only. The exhibition will display another work.